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  • By ccilearningcenter
  • 29 Jul, 2010

Januray 21, 2008 With the advent of every new year, most of us make new resolutions. Usually, they involve something that might improve our health: we will lose ten pounds (or more!), or cut out fried foods, or cut down on coffee, or quit smoking, or exercise more. Over the years, unfortunately, we’ve learned that our resolutions are made to be broken. No one holds us accountable for our failure to keep them. When no one cares about our success in such matters, we become lax in our efforts, and then we cease to put forth any effort at all. Little to nothing is changed. Once again, we settle for the status quo.

Dealerships and managers often make new resolutions, too. But, as happens with our personal ones, they quickly fail. Why? Because they are too general in nature. Because they are seldom written down or discussed or taken seriously. And, because no one holds anyone accountable for their achievement. Dealers, sales and finance managers say, “Let’s all work harder this year. Let’s sell more cars. Let’s sell more products. Let’s see if we can go over our quota this month.” Then they nod and initiate enthusiastic high-fives and pat each other on the back. This works . . . for about a minute! Once again, they settle for the status quo.

How can this year be different from all the others for your dealership? First of all, require attendance at a group meeting. Ensure that everyone involved understands that business resolutions are not goals. Resolutions are simply declarations that individuals in your shop want or hope to do. They are usually general in nature, they seldom include an action plan, and little to no thought is given to the long-term benefit of their achievement. Declare the “resolution” that your dealership will make no more resolutions! Pull out a white board and assign someone to take careful notes. From now on, your dealership is in the business of creating a detailed roadmap. This roadmap contains business goals that state specific, reasonable, and achievable targets or objectives. They are detailed and results-oriented. They are put into writing using active verbs: by the end of the month, Smith Cars will have increased its customer base by ten percent; within six months, Smith Cars will have surpassed its current sales quota by ten percent; by the end of the fiscal year, Smith Cars will have captured forty percent of the local market for sales of pick-up trucks. Use realistic, but somewhat aggressive numbers. Your new “great” goals should be challenging, without being impossible.

In order to ensure such goals are reached, of course, more is involved than merely talking about them. In other words, your dealership’s new business goals must also involve clear thinking about the action steps required to accomplish them in a clear-cut timeframe. They must be written down, agreed upon by all involved, and assigned to particular personnel. Any changes in company policies or methods should be clearly related to important, strategic business objectives, otherwise the attention of management will wane. The achievement of these goals will require dedication, ambition, and accountability by everyone concerned. It doesn’t work for only one or two people to work toward their fulfillment. Everyone must be involved. Everyone must follow the roadmap. No detours. No stopping by the wayside to “relax.” If a wrong turn is taken by one employee, the others must pull him back onto the straight road.

Once the new goals are established, action steps assigned to every employee for their execution, and a timeframe set for fulfillment, the real work begins. Weekly or monthly meetings must be set for discussion of progress. Goals are meaningless, unless they are attained. Why did the action plan work? Why did it fail? How has the achievement or lack of achievement of each goal affected progress, company morale, determination to forge ahead with the changes? Measure the progress. Review the goals. Revise the goals, if necessary. Make new ones, building on those that were achieved. Determine how to keep up the momentum.

One other requirement will ensure that everyone is working on the same page: proper and continuous training. Goals cannot succeed, if personnel don’t have the proper tools. Don’t assume that simply because they have the titles of “salesman,” “sales manager,” or “finance manger” they fully know and understand how to best execute their responsibilities. Times have changed. Too often, people don’t change their methods. Provide the know-how and the ongoing education. There is no substitute for education.

Measureable goals can be tracked and their progress discussed. Get everyone to share ideas and methods and problems. Encourage communication in weekly meetings involving everyone who is impacted by or driving the process An anonymous businessman once said, “I have never seen a poorly-structured change succeed or a well-structured one fail. I have seen well-structured changes poorly communicated, with the result being pain on the way to the change; I’ve also seen badly-structured changes beautifully executed, with the result that no one changes.”

So, in the nutshell, right now, gather your troops and clearly define measurable goals for the year. Detail the action steps required to reach each goal. Put it all into writing in order to gauge progress. Don’t forget to set target dates or to record your results.

Ken Austin runs a motivational Web site. His stated goal is to assist interested readers in building self-confidence and self-esteem. He wrote an article regarding the setting of business objectives. He says that the goals of businesses and individuals alike “should be SMART . This means that they should be S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R ealistic and T ime Based.” Think about how your dealership can use Austin ‘s suggestion to advantage.

The wisdom of Seneca, a Roman philosopher and statesman who tutored and advised Emperor Nero, is still quoted and appropriate for today’s market. He said, “Our plans miscarry, because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.” Aim to make 2008 the most profitable year your dealership has ever experienced and know exactly how to go about it, because you have established a roadmap that works.

The Automotive Dealership Institute is a Scottsdale, AZ-based automotive management training facility that specializes in educating the next generation of Finance and Insurance managers and service advisors. ADI is approved by the State of Arizona Board for Private Postsecondary Education. For more information, call (877) 998-7200 or visit

Becky Chernek, president and founder of Chernek Consulting, LLC has enjoyed an exemplary sales career spanning almost two decades, and experienced every aspect of the car sales process. Over the last several years, Ms. Chernek has worked with hundreds of automotive dealerships, including JM&A and AutoNation. For more information, call 404-276-4027 or visit or

By Becky Chernek January 15, 2025

Over the last six months, the buzz around improving F&I performance has grown louder. Everyone’s talking about “getting back to basics” as the magic fix for today’s challenges. Sure, it sounds great—but is that enough to stop the ship from sinking?

Let’s be honest: since COVID, selling cars was easy. Customers flooded dealerships, and it didn’t take much to close a deal. A handshake and a smile were often all it took. But now, things have shifted. The market isn’t as forgiving, and many dealerships are struggling to adapt.

Yes, the basics matter, but there’s something deeper at play—a dangerous attitude of indifference. I’ve been in hundreds of dealerships, and what I see today is alarming. It’s like the industry is sleepwalking while the house is burning. Are dealers even paying attention? Are they willing to make the hard changes needed to turn things around?

The Desk: Where Chaos Begins

The desk is the heartbeat of the dealership—the hub where it all starts. But instead of pumping out efficient, profitable deals, it’s often the source of chaos.

Years ago, F&I managers were respected as gatekeepers. They weren’t just handling paperwork; they were protecting the dealership’s assets and managing lender relationships with precision. Fast-forward to today, and much of that responsibility has been dumped on desk managers—all in the name of “speeding up the deal.”

Here’s the catch: no one’s holding these desk managers accountable. Shotgunning deals to lenders without understanding the total cost of sale has become the norm. Sloppy credit applications, careless errors, and a lack of structure are creating a mess that F&I managers are left to clean up.

When deals hit F&I, they’re riddled with issues—missing documents, unchecked details, and no clear process. This disrupts the flow, slows the deal to a crawl, and frustrates customers. It’s a perfect recipe for lost profits and wasted time.

Broken Processes, Broken Performance

Dealers often wonder why F&I performance is lagging, but the answer is staring them in the face: broken processes. When there’s no accountability, every department operates in silos. The result? Indifference creeps into your culture, and mediocrity becomes the standard.

Ask yourself:

  • Are your desk managers partners with F&I, or are they working against them?
  • Are they ensuring every cash deal is turned to F&I?
  • Do they know their lenders, or are they just guessing?
  • Are they sticking to consistent pencils, or throwing out 84-month terms with no money down as a starting point?

If you’re not checking these things regularly, you’re leaving money on the table. A worksheet is no different from a menu—both need to be precise, consistent, and aligned with a process.

How Chernek Consulting Can Help

At Chernek Consulting , we understand these challenges and provide solutions that work. Our services are designed to address the root of the problem: your dealership’s process and culture.

We offer:

  • Customized In-House Training tailored to your dealership’s unique needs.
  • Virtual Training Programs to ensure ongoing education for your team.
  • AI Champion Roleplay to simulate real-world scenarios and elevate team performance.
  • Comprehensive Process Audits to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
  • Desk and F&I Alignment Programs to create a cohesive, results-driven culture.

When you work with Chernek Consulting, you’re not just improving performance—you’re transforming your dealership into a profit powerhouse.

The Cost of Complacency

Here’s the harsh reality: indifference costs you talent. Why would top performers stick around in a dealership that tolerates chaos? Talented people want to work in an environment with structure, accountability, and a commitment to excellence. If you’re not providing that, they’ll find a dealership that does.

I recently asked my F&I Today group what above-average F&I performance should look like. The consensus? It’s not just about numbers; it’s about alignment. The desk and F&I need to operate as one unit, with shared goals and mutual accountability.

Fix the Process, Fix the Culture

Dealers, if you’re serious about turning things around, it’s time to do more than “get back to basics.” You need to fix the root of the problem: your process. A strong, consistent process doesn’t just improve performance—it transforms your culture.

When everyone is on the same page—desk managers, F&I, and sales—you create a dealership that runs like a well-oiled machine. Customers feel the difference. Deals close faster. Profits grow.

At Chernek Consulting, we specialize in helping dealerships implement these changes effectively. The question isn’t whether you can change—it’s whether you will .

Visit Chernek Consulting for more information or call 866-894-1899 to schedule your consultation today. For F&I beginners be sure to sign up for Chernek Consulting Virtual Pro interactive F&I courseware upgrade to AI Champion Roleplay! Contact Becky to find out more details, available for individual users and dealer group levels.  We also customize all training content to fit your exact requirements. 


By Becky Chernek August 19, 2022
According to a recent news story, “A perfect economic storm of inflation, soaring gas prices and the unintended consequences of the federal pandemic relief programs is closing in on many car owners.” And this scenario is affecting prime and subprime customers alike.
By Becky Chernek August 19, 2022

Recently I’ve experienced a strange déjà vu when providing onsite consultations. I’m reminded of a time when I was working with a dealer in Arkansas who purchased a Buick / GMC store. He told me there wasn’t much meat on the bone and not to expect much in F&I performance. Most customers paid cash or had prime credit.


“No problem,” I thought. After all, I can positively impact any operation. But I couldn’t help wonder why the dealer didn’t get any tier three or four business. The customers at dealerships up the street seemed to represent a full cross section of buyers. It didn’t make sense.


I continued to ask questions until the dealer came up with a brilliant idea (or he got tired of my harping). He decided to spiff the sales people one weekend $40.00 per write-up. “Just come to the desk with whatever write-up, no matter the credit, and you’ll get $40.00.” The following Monday, the dealer called to report he had plenty of tier three and four customers.


If you’re reading between the lines, you already know where I’m going. The store didn’t have any subprime lenders – or the F&I manager wasn’t keen on working subprime customers. The salespeople thought, “Why bother selling a customer a car if they said they had slow or derogatory credit history?” So they broomed the customer, sent them packing to the competitor down the street and moved to the next customer who could buy a car.


Is this you? Be honest. Because this is exactly what is happening in dealerships throughout the United States today. This is the dark side of the pandemic’s silver lining for auto retail.


The front is making big profits on preowned cars today. They don’t have to take the skinny deals or cut profit to swallow a lender fee. Those vehicles aren’t easy to come by, so they’re being saved for the customer who’s going to pay all the profit. Who can blame them?


But will it pay off in the long run? Are you sending customers to your competitor, CarMax, Carvana, Vroom or independent dealers who are lining their pockets with the deals you don’t want? The sales manager may not see the value in a lower-tier customer today, but your competition does. Because when you treat a customer with slow pay history right, you have a customer for life.


What about the customer who just paid full gross? Will they use your service department? Does it matter? That’s a discussion for another day.


You may not realize it, but many of the larger dealer groups have their own in-house financing with internal scoring metrics. They’re not only going to sell more cars; they’ll earn more profit doing it. They will take the market share if you don’t do something about it.


Some say, “Ok, let them,” but remember when CarMax offered to put an appraisal on every trade whether the customer was going to buy a car from them or not? Talk about clever! Today, customers go to CarMax to get a trade value even before they step foot in a dealership. In fact, your sales manager likely sends the customer to CarMax to get a trade value! Is that you?


Today’s most successful dealers aren’t fixed in their ways. They have a growth mindset and continually adapt to the changing market!


This bubble won’t last forever. Do you have the necessary skill-set and processes in place today to meet market conditions tomorrow?


Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call today!


Unparalleled Experience + Analytics + Gold-Standard Training = IMPACT


Chernek Consulting, founded in 2001, offers automotive dealers exceptional experience-based consultation for multipoint, multi-brand automotive groups to significantly impact performance. Rebecca Chernek has worked with industry leaders such as JM&A, AutoNation, NCM Institute, NCM 20 Groups, NADA 20 Groups, Mercedes Benz Financial Services, Sym-Tech Dealers Services and more.


Rebecca’s comprehensive analysis identifies operational and team strengths and weaknesses. Her focus is on:


1) plugging profit leaks

2) getting the customer on the right car at the get-go

3) cultivating customers for life

4) digitizing processes for maximum efficiency and profit


It’s the little things you do that can make a big difference.

CALL BECKY CHERNEK DIRECT AT 866-894-1899 schedule a 15 - minute call today! 


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